Wednesday 3 October 2012

Not all lawyers are evil...

Q: What do you have if three lawyers are buried up to their necks in cement?

A: Not enough cement.

When you choose to become a lawyer, you accept the fact that you will be the subject of many a one-liner! No matter how much I protest that most lawyers are good people, that many of us do volunteer work, and its only the minority that give us a bad name, the response is often "Isn't it a shame how 99% of the lawyers give the whole profession a bad name."

So, to show that not all lawyers are evil, I thought I'd volunteer to raise some money for charity.

I have signed up to Ocsober to raise money for Life Education Australia. Here is my fundraiser page:

So please sponsor me for this good cause and remember, not all lawyers are evil! :-)

1 comment:

  1. I really appreciate your thoughts, regarding lawyer. I agree with you. I will contribute in this voluntary event. I think that Lawyer has that type of business, which gives them bad name in the society.
